2025 K-Consumer Trend Insights

  • 저자
  • 감수자
  • 발행일
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  • 면수
  • ISBN
  • 가격
  • 김난도 외 11인
  • 미셸 렘블린
  • 2024년 10월 25일
  • 135*210mm
  • 248쪽
  • 978-89-5989-725-4 (13320)
  • 19,000원
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영어로 읽는 《트렌드 코리아 2025》

해마다 출간 즉시 종합 베스트셀러 1위를 차지하는 최고의 트렌드서, <트렌드 코리아> 시리즈를 영어로 만난다. K-Pop과 K-Food, K-Contents에 전 세계가 주목하는 가운데, 이제 K-Comsumer Trend가 세계를 리드한다. 국내외 대기업 및 다국적 기업의 외국인 임원, 국내에 주재하고 있는 외국인 비즈니스맨과 언론사 특파원, 해외 투자자에게는 물론이고, 국내외 비즈니스 현장에서 활용할 수 있는 트렌디한 영어 표현에 목말라 하는 국내 영어 학습자들에게도 반가운 책이 될 것이다.

역대급 무더위가 대한민국을 강타한 2024년 여름, 지구는 역사상 가장 뜨거운 날의 기록을 연달아 경신했다. 지금 우리는 ‘역대급’이라는 말 자체가 역대급으로 많이 쓰이는 시대를 살고 있다. 그만큼 우리 사회의 역동성이 크다는 뜻이기도 하다. 근 20년 동안 우리 사회의 추이와 소비 활동의 여러 모습을 추적, 관찰해온 트렌드 코리아 팀은 대한민국이 그 어느 때보다도 더 특유의 역동성과 역량을 바탕으로 전에 없는 다양성을 표출하는 모습을 목격하고 이를 책에 담고자 했다. 대한민국은 열풍의 나라이기도 하다. 해외 토픽을 장식한 푸바오 열풍, 마라탕과 탕후루에 이은 두바이 초콜릿 열풍, AI 열풍, 의대 열풍, 스페셜티 커피 열풍, 레트로 열풍, 남녀노소를 가리지 않는 ‘먼작귀’ 열풍까지…. 이 모든 것이 시사하는 바는 무엇인가? 이런 열풍의 이면에 있는 우리 사회 구성원들의 욕망과 결핍은 무엇일까? 《트렌드 코리아 2025》에서 이에 대한 답을 찾아보도록 하자.


Preface 5

Ten Keywords

Savoring a Bit of Everything: Omnivores 17 

Nothing Out of the Ordinary: Very Ordinary Day 41

All About the Toppings 61

Keeping it Human: Face Tech 83

Embracing Harmlessness 105

Shifting Gradation of Korean Culture 125

Experiencing the Physical: the Appeal of Materiality 153

Need for Climate Sensitivity 175

Strategy of Coevolution 199

Everyone Has Their Own Strengths: One-Point-Up 219

Authors 242


Rando Kim (김난도)

Rando Kim is a professor in the Dept. of Consumer Science (DCS), Seoul National University (SNU). As a specialist in consumer behavior and market trend analysis, he has written more than 20 books including the Trend Korea series, Dining Business Trend series, Market Kurly Insight , The Hyundai Seoul Insight , Trend China, What Consumers Want, and Luxury Korea . He also wrote essay books, Amor Fati , Future and My Job , and Youth , It’s Painful which have sold three million copies in 17 countries. He has conducted research projects about  consumer needs finding, new product planning, and market trend probing for Korea’s major companies like Samsung, LG, SK, CJ, Hyundai Motors, GS, LH, Amorepacific, Lotte, Fursys, Nongshim, and Coway.

Miyoung Jeon (전미영)

Miyoung Jeon is a research fellow at the Consumer Trend Center (CTC) under Seoul National University. She holds BA, MA and PhD degrees in Consumer Science. Since 2009, she has co-authored numerous books including the annually published and top-ranked book series Trend Korea, as well as Trend China , Dining Business Trend series, and Breakthrough Power . Miyoung worked as a research analyst at Samsung Economic Research Institute, served as a research professor at SNU, and is currently a columnist for Dong-A Ilbo’s ‘Trend Now’ section. Additionally, she holds positions as the chair for Lotte Shopping’s ESG Committee and serves as an advisor for multiple organizations including LG U+, Hana Bank and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Currently, she collaborates with various companies, focusing on new trend-based product development and strategic planning.

Jihye Choi (최지혜) 

Jihye Choi, PhD in Consumer Science from DCS, SNU, works as a research fellow at CTC. She has participated in many consulting projects with Korea’s leading companies such as Samsung and LG, and gives public lectures on consumer trends. She currently teaches consumer behavior and qualitative research methodology at SNU. She contributes many articles and columns to major Korean newspapers and media.

Jung Yoon Kwon (권정윤) 

Jung Yoon Kwon currently works as a research fellow at CTC, SNU. She obtained her BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Consumer Science, SNU. She explored the intergenerational transmission of consumption styles in her PhD dissertation. She has participated in many consulting projects with leading Korean companies such as Samsung and CJ, and she also teaches an Introduction to Consumer Science course at Sung Kyun Wan University.

Dahye Han (한다혜) 

Dahye Han currently works as a research fellow at CTC, SNU. She received a BA in Psychology, SNU and obtained MA and PhD degrees in Consumer Science, SNU. Her PhD dissertation focused on the structure and measurement of consumption emotions. As a researcher, she received a paper award from the Korean Consumption Culture Association in 2022. Also, she is conducting a number of consulting projects with major Korean companies, such as Samsung and LG.

Hyewon Lee (이혜원) 

Hyewon Lee is a PhD in Consumer Science, SNU and is currently a senior researcher at CTC. She is interested in generation theory and changes in consumer behavior due to technological advances, based on insights gained while working at the Korea Publishing Culture Association, Dasan Books, Reader’s Book, and Kakao Page. Recently, she has been conducting research on expanded cultural capital to explore the drivers of consumption trends that cannot be explained by economic capital. 

June Young Lee (이준영) 

June Young Lee currently works as a professor at Sangmyung University. He received a doctorate degree in Consumer Science, SNU. He received ‘The Best Paper Award’ in the International Journal of Consumer Studies . He worked as a senior researcher at Life Soft Research lab at LG Electronics. He is a laboratory chief at the Consumer Research Center in Sangmyung University. 

Hyang Eun Lee (이향은) 

Hyang Eun Lee is an Executive Director at LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution [H&A] Business Division. She holds a Master’s degree from Central Saint Martins in the UK and a Ph.D. in Design from Seoul National University.

At LG Electronics, she is responsible for product planning focused on customer experience [CX] innovation. Her work includes launching innovative products, discovering and managing new business models, establishing CX-based management strategies, and designing product and space services. As a professor in the Department of Service·Design Engineering at Sungshin Women’s University, she has conducted numerous corporate customer experience projects, bridging academia and industry. She is also actively engaged in research, publishing papers in top 25% [Q1] SSCI and SCIE international journals. As an expert bridging theory and practice, she has been writing a column titled “Lee Hyang-eun’s Trend Touch” for the JoongAng Ilbo since 2021.

Yelin Chu (추예린) 

Yelin Chu received an MA degree in Consumer Science, SNU. Currently, she is attending a PhD program and serves as a senior researcher at CTC. Her Master’s thesis was entitled “A Study of Consumer Experience on the Online Education Service with Conditional Tuition Refund.” She is interested in analyzing big data to distill insights from unstructured data, and in deriving further meaning from participant interviews through qualitative research. 

Dahyen Jeon (전다현) 

Dahyen Jeon is currently working on her PhD and is a senior researcher at CTC. She received a BA degree in Fashion Industry at Ewha Womans University and an MA degree in Consumer Science at SNU. She was awarded first place in the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles (KSCT) contest in 2019. Her area of interest is consumer behavior in the digital retail environment. Her current research focuses on online visual cues and haptic imagery.

Naeun Kim (김나은)

Naeun Kim is currently enrolled in a PhD program and works as a senior researcher at CTC. She earned her master’s degree in Consumer Science, SNU. Her master’s thesis is titled “A Study on Small Luxury Consumption Motivations and Consumer Typologies .” She is interested in analyzing new consumption phenomena in modern society and aims to conduct research that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches that can provide a rich interpretation of consumers’ hidden needs and influencing factors.

YouHyun Alex Suh (서유현)

YouHyun Alex Suh holds a Ph.D. in Consumer Science from Seoul National University, an MS in Culture Technology from KAIST, and a BA(Hons) in Textile Design from Central Saint Martins , London, UK. With a multidisciplinary background in science, art, and the humanities, she brings a unique, creative, and interdisciplinary approach to her work. Her expertise includes quantitative and qualitative research on consumer needs, with a strong focus on trend analysis, design management, consumer behavior, customer experience strategy, and new product planning. She previously worked as a Customer Experience (CX) Specialist at LG Electronics.

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